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newnewthings.comThu, 18 Feb 2016 17:51:36 +0000en-US
1 108481962Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (“June 3rd” Teaser, Character Posters and Photos), 18 Feb 2016 17:50:15 +0000 “June 3rd” teaser, character posters and new photos of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows” starred Alan Ritchson, Megan Fox, Stephen Amel, Laura Linney, William Fichtner, Alessandra Ambrosio, Brian Tee and Will Arnett and directed by Dave Green has been released. Movie is a sequel of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” which dated 2014 and will release on 3rd June 2016 on USA.
]]> Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (Trailer and Photos), 11 Dec 2015 15:27:05 +0000 first trailer of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows” directed by Dave Green and starred Alan Ritchson, Megan Fox, Stephen Amel, Laura Linney, William Fichtner, Alessandra Ambrosio, Brian Tee and Will Arnett has been released. Movie is a sequel of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” which dated 2014. The movie will release on 3rd June 2016 on USA.